Please see Install Mathematica for step-by-step instructions for installing and activating Mathematica. There is a limited set of previous releases that CIT can make available to Cornell licensees. If you have a specific need to use an earlier version of Mathematica, please contact CIT. Mathematica License Manager 12.3.1 (all platforms).Macintosh (M1 processor) - Mathematica 12.3.1.Macintosh (Intel processors) - Mathematica 12.3.1.This software is licensed to Cornell University and its use is strictly limited to subscribed Cornell students, faculty, and staff at the main campus and affiliate facilities. Staff and faculty should not use the installers linked from this page to install Mathematica onto personally owned computers! This would violate Cornell's license agreement with Wolfram. If you are interested in the home-use license, please follow the link below and request one from Wolfram, who will send a home-use copy to your residence. Doing so will violate Cornell's license agreement with Wolfram.Ī separate Mathematica Home Use license is available at no additional cost to Cornell staff and faculty who have purchased current Mathematica licenses. Staff and faculty should not purchase the student edition or activate Mathematica with the student license on any Cornell-owned computer. Student licensing: The Mathematica student license is for students registered at Cornell, and is only for installation onto a student's personally-owned computer.Please contact us for details on network licensing. Your license entitles you to free upgrades if new releases become available during the license period. Staff and faculty licensing: Your Mathematica license entitles you to download and install the software onto one Cornell-owned computer.CIT is not able to offer prorated pricing. CIT's Mathematica license runs from August 1st through July 31st of the following calendar year. All Mathematica licenses expire on the same date, regardless of the date of initial purchase.

That fee is significantly less than standard academic retail. There is a licensing fee to use the software. Mathematica licenses are available to Cornell students, staff, and faculty. Your Mathematica license includes a license for Alpha Pro, which will allow you to use the Alpha engine with your own data. The current release, Mathematica 12, features a natural language interface with built-in integration with Wolfram Alpha, the manufacturer's online computational engine. Mathematica is a highly sophisticated computational software package developed by Wolfram Research.