Still, many researchers argue that even this small amount of homework doesn’t help students learn or retain concepts. This research is correlational rather than causational, so it’s difficult to determine cause and effect. Studies do show that children as young as second grade improve their skills when they study at home to supplement in-class instruction - provided it doesn’t exceed the 10-minute rule per grade level. Note there is research supporting homework as a learning tool, especially as it relates to practice and retention. In theory, the quantity and intensity of homework should rise with age. For instance, a first-grader might have 10 minutes of homework a night while a third-grader could have up to 30 minutes of work. Historically, proponents of homework cited research urging teachers to follow the “10-minute” rule, which means assigning students 10 minutes of homework per grade level. While the headlines grabbed plenty of attention, they barely scratch the surface of this complicated issue. The furor over the quantity of homework assigned to elementary students reached a fever pitch this year amid headlines touting research finding that assigning homework to these students does not improve their academic performance. How much homework should elementary school students do? Our worksheets for third graders are designed with the developmental stage of 8 and 9 year olds in mind, and include ideas for fun activities that will help them enjoy their lessons and master them with ease.But others support a more traditional approach to the role of homework in a student’s academic growth, arguing that some homework helps to solidify the day’s lesson plan. Kids can use our math, reading, and other worksheets to practice important skills and concepts, building confidence and readying themselves for more challenging lessons later on. JumpStart’s worksheets for third graders include important concepts like multiplication facts and parts of speech – concepts that will repeatedly reappear in the coming years.

Parents and teachers can use JumpStart’s third grade worksheets to help kids master these concepts so that they can easily build on them in the coming years. Woolly and the Cave Kids: True or FalseĨ and 9 year old students begin to learn important concepts in third grade that they will continue to use throughout their education.Woolly and the Cave Kids: Word Meanings.St Patrick's Day Creative Writing ExerciseĬritical Thinking Worksheets for 3rd Grade.Students can use these free and printable worksheets to review and practice important concepts in math, language, writing, science and social studies. JumpStart’s large collection of fun 3rd grade worksheets is perfect for 8 and 9 year old kids.